Figuring out the amount of funds needed to produce a movie can be tricky. Broken Branch Films can help you find out the amount needed and to take into account all aspects to consider in order to ensure a smooth production
Crew & Casting Calls
The "3C's" is one of the vital parts of a smooth shoot. The combination of quality and affordability are arguably the most important component for a smooth shoot. Broken Branch Films has and knows incredible talent that so far have and will continue to provide a smooth quality-oriented results for any budget!

Script Breakdown
The fine details of knowing what each scene needs, the shots, the props, dressing, continuity, making sense and visualizing the written word allows the production to thrive and exert quality on film. Let Broken Branch Films help you plan and prepare so each scene is filmed to the utmost vibrance.
The best document to convey a vision between a director and a DP. Need help building one? Broken Branch Films can assist building a Shot-List that will capture the moment at its most beautiful state. Exactly as envisioned by the Director.

Need assistance? Pick our brain? Reach out to us and be on your way to bringing your project to life! After all, if you're on the right path and we helped you get there.... it's a win-win! Let's collaborate!